Revised Edition, New Pocket Size Format, Lower Price |
The Suffering Servant's Courage
A Scriptural Rosary
4 " by 6 1/2"; 96 pages; 36 illustrations.
On the Importance of Being the
Suffering Servant
The Suffering Servant is a figure described in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah.
Indeed, its direct and indirect use by Our Lord Jesus Christ and its vast
role in the life of the Church
had led the Fathers to refer to this book as the “Fifth Gospel.”
Continue to read the Foreword.
Christine Haapala is the author of over 13 Scriptural prayer books.
She founded Suffering Servant Scriptorium in the Jubilee year –
2000. The Suffering Servant’s Courage was one of her first
prayer book. This new pocket-size format means you can carry
the book in your back pocket, briefcase, or purse, thus having
it available anytime for prayer.
This prayer book integrates poignant Sacred Scripture verses about
courage and strength, the prayers of the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary,
and the inspired artistic genius of the 19th century Catholic illustrator,
Gustave Dore. All 20 Rosary mysteries are included.
These Bible stories show how much Jesus suffered for you and me.
Since Jesus’ birth, the Blessed Virgin Mary bore the prophetic message
that her heart would be “pierced by a sword.” She was nearly alone
at the foot of the cross. Mary’s heart was surely pierced,
when she saw her son’s heart, pierced by a lance.
"I have heard many Catholics say that they found the Rosary monotonous. ...
Christine Haapala’s Scriptural Rosary, with illustrations by Gustave
Dore, is anything but boring. It helps one to pray the Rosary while really
from Introduction
To love as the Suffering Servant means to follow the path of
self-sacrifice – a way that would be impossible without the courage
of the Suffering Servant.
from Foreword

Download the Scriptural
Decade PDF for The Fifth Joyful Mystery:
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Download the Scriptural Decade PDF for The Second Sorrowful Mystery:
The Scourging at the Pillar
Fatima Collection [$62.70]
13 Scriptural Prayer Books - save 45%
Includes 8 Scriptural Rosary Books
- Children
- Speak, Lord, I am Listening
- Follow Me
- Rosary
- Living in Imitation of Christ
NEW!! in 2022
- Priest Prophet King
NEW!! in 2021
- Pearls of Peace
- The Suffering Servant's Courage
NEW Revised Ed!! in 2023
- Psalter of Jesus and Mary
- "In the Beginning..."
NEW!! in 2021
- From Genesis to Revelation
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Chaplets
- His Sorrowful Passion
- Seraphim and Cherubim
- Novena
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From Genesis to Revelation: Seven Scriptural Rosaries [$10.00]
by Christine Haapala and Illustrations by Christine Parson
(5 1/2" by 8 1/2")
286 pages and includes 15 illustrations from both the Old and New Testament.
An Encyclopedia of Rosaries
This is the first Scriptural devotional Christine Haapala wrote.
Now in 2nd edition, this is the most extensive collection of Scriptural Rosaries
you will find in one book - Seven in All. One for each day of the week.
Each Scriptural Rosary contains a thematic set of 150 Bible quotations that are
specially selected to accompany and illuminate meditation on the mysteries of the
Rosary from the books of the Old and New Testament. This is a prayer book
you will love to use often.
Special Note: This Scriptural Rosary does not include the Luminous Mysteries.
from the Author's Note, The Psalter of Jesus and Mary
"For many centuries, the Most Holy Rosary consisted of fifteen decades
prayed in three groups of mysteries - the Joyful, the Sorrowful, and the Glorious.
St. Pope John Paul II recommended an additional set of mysteries, the Luminous. ...
For some, the addition of the Luminous Mysteries may
cause concern because of the departure from tradition ...
Rather we should be renewed and energized by the addition
of these new Luminous Mysteries, looking forward to a revitalization of
the praying of the Most Holy Rosary ...
This pocketsize book includes the Psalms Scriptural Rosary from
From Genesis to Revelation: Seven Scriptural Rosaries.
To unveil the new Luminous Mysteries in light of Scripture,
we selected meditations from the thirty-one Proverbs, the wise words of Solomon."
Three Days
Reflections for the First Glorious Mystery -
The Resurrection
Duplettes are two Biblical scenes drawn as one. This prayer book includes 15 original duplettes.
See all 15 of the Duplettes.
Numerous times Christ referred to Himself fulfilling prophesies, such as,
just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of a whale so He would spend
three days in the bowels of the earth.
1 Cor 3:13; Dan 3:88; Is 43:2;
Jn 2:19,21; Jon 1:14-15; Jon 2:1-2; Jon 2:3, 6-7;
Lk 11:29-30; Mt 12:39-41; Mi 7:19-20; Tob 13:2
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Rosary Slide Show from Speak, Lord, I am Listening watercolors
Download a sample of the Watercolor Slide Show.
Rosary slide show program from Speak, Lord, I am Listening provided FREE with purchase of 2 Speak, Lord, I am Listening Prayer Books and 100 Rosary English Prayer Bookmarks. [$48.50] Note: to substitute Spanish or Latin Bookmarks for English - call us at 888-652-9494.
Speak, Lord, I am Listening - A Rosary Book [$12.00] Order Book.
3 Times on the Catholic Best Seller's List for Children
as compiled by Catholic Book Publisher's Association
This Scriptural Rosary prayer book presents the richness of the Sacred Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary in terms that children can visualize and understand.
Rosary Prayer Bookmarks [$24.50, sold in packages of 100] Order bookmarks.
Front of Bookmark: Includes a collage of pictures from Speak, Lord, I am Listening.
Request Free Sample of the Prayer Bookmarks
Catholic School Principal used the Stations of the Cross Slide Show during Lent
Since we do not have a church yet (our school actually shares our gym with the parish), we do Stations twice during Lent. Of course, students are encouraged to attend Stations in the evening at their own parishes. Since we don't have church, we do not have Stations on the walls and we cannot have the students walk from station to station.
So, projecting the images seems to work best for us.
We split our student body into two separate groups (we have a student population of approximately 600). We have K-4 come together and 5-8 come together.
We do have a built in screen to project on to. Teachers took turns reading the text from the book. I distributed the bookmarks to the students.
Faculty members thought the pictures were very appropriate and beautifully illustrated. I also received many comments on including the information on contemporary saints. I think the students liked that part also.
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