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Is anyone among you suffering? ... Pray. James 5:13
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Prayer Kits

Fatima Collection - 13 Prayer Books - including 8 Scriptural Rosary books


Teens and Adult

"Love to pray. Take the trouble to pray. Prayer opens your heart until it is big enough to hold and keep God. We must know Jesus in prayer before we can see him in the broken bodies of the poor."
St. Teresa of Calcutta

"To pray the Rosary for children, and even more, with children, training them from their earliest years to experience this daily pause for prayer with the family ... is a spiritual aid which should not be underestimated."

Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 42
Pope Saint John Paul II
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Fatima Collection [$62.70]
13 Scriptural Prayer Books - save 45%
Includes 8 Scriptural Rosary Books


Includes -
  • Children
    • Speak, Lord, I am Listening
    • Follow Me
  • Rosary
    • Living in Imitation of Christ
      NEW!! in 2022
    • Priest Prophet King
      NEW!! in 2021
    • Pearls of Peace
    • The Suffering Servant's Courage
      NEW Revised Ed!! in 2023
    • Psalter of Jesus and Mary
    • "In the Beginning..."
      NEW!! in 2021
    • From Genesis to Revelation
  • Eucharistic Adoration
    • In His Presence
  • Chaplets
    • His Sorrowful Passion
    • Seraphim and Cherubim
  • Novena
    • Sanctify my Heart
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Train a Child Prayer Kit

"Train a Child" Prv 22:6 Prayer Kit [$26.00]
($38.60 when products sold separately -33% SAVINGS!!)

  • Follow Me (2nd edition) (A Scriptural Stations of the Cross Book for Child)
  • Speak, Lord, I am Listening (A Scriptural Rosary Book for Child)
  • The Psalter of Jesus and Mary (A Rosary Book for Parent/Teacher)

  • 30 Prayer Bookmarks - 10 each of Most Holy Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and the Ten Commandments
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    Rosary Slide Show from Speak, Lord, I am Listening watercolors

    Download a sample of the Watercolor Slide Show.

    Rosary slide show program from Speak, Lord, I am Listening provided FREE with purchase of 2 Speak, Lord, I am Listening Prayer Books and 100 Rosary English Prayer Bookmarks. [$48.50]
    Note: to substitute Spanish or Latin Bookmarks for English - call us at 888-652-9494.

    SpeakLord Speak, Lord, I am Listening - A Rosary Book [$12.00]
    Order Book.

    3 Times on the Catholic Best Seller's List for Children
    as compiled by Catholic Book Publisher's Association
    This Scriptural Rosary prayer book presents the richness of the Sacred Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary in terms that children can visualize and understand.

    Rosary Prayer Bookmarks [$24.50, sold in packages of 100]
    Order bookmarks.
    Front of Bookmark: Includes a collage of pictures from Speak, Lord, I am Listening.

    Request Free Sample of the Prayer Bookmarks
    Catholic School Principal
    used the Stations of the Cross Slide Show during Lent

    Since we do not have a church yet (our school actually shares our gym with the parish), we do Stations twice during Lent. Of course, students are encouraged to attend Stations in the evening at their own parishes. Since we don't have church, we do not have Stations on the walls and we cannot have the students walk from station to station.

    So, projecting the images seems to work best for us.

    We split our student body into two separate groups (we have a student population of approximately 600). We have K-4 come together and 5-8 come together.

    We do have a built in screen to project on to. Teachers took turns reading the text from the book. I distributed the bookmarks to the students.

    Faculty members thought the pictures were very appropriate and beautifully illustrated. I also received many comments on including the information on contemporary saints. I think the students liked that part also.

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    Stations of the Cross Slide Show with Follow Me watercolors

    Download a sample of the Watercolor Slide Show.

    Stations of the Cross slide show provided FREE with purchase of
    2 Follow Me Prayer Books and
    100 Stations of the Cross Prayer Bookmarks. [$44.50]

    Follow Me Follow Me A Stations of the Cross Book [$10.00]
    Order Book.
    Inspired watercolors and selections of God Word introduce children to the suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ by walking each step with Him to Calvary. Along with each station is a heroically holy person who epitomized self-sacrifice.

    Stations of the Cross Prayer Bookmarks [$24.50, sold in packages of 100]
    Order bookmarks.
    Front of Bookmark: Includes a collage of pictures from Follow Me.

    Request Free Sample of the Prayer Bookmarks
    Catholic School Principal
    used the Stations of the Cross Slide Show during Lent

    Since we do not have a church yet (our school actually shares our gym with the parish), we do Stations twice during Lent. Of course, students are encouraged to attend Stations in the evening at their own parishes. Since we don't have church, we do not have Stations on the walls and we cannot have the students walk from station to station.

    So, projecting the images seems to work best for us.

    We split our student body into two separate groups (we have a student population of approximately 600). We have K-4 come together and 5-8 come together.

    We do have a built in screen to project on to. Teachers took turns reading the text from the book. I distributed the bookmarks to the students.

    Faculty members thought the pictures were very appropriate and beautifully illustrated. I also received many comments on including the information on contemporary saints. I think the students liked that part also.

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    Train a Child Prayer Kit

    Bilingual Prayer Kit [$20.00]
    ($32.40 when products sold separately. Over 40% savings.

  • Habla, Señor, Yo Te Escucho (A Scriptural Rosary Book in Spanish) Special Note: This book is currently printed in Black and White.
  • Speak, Lord, I am Listening (A Scriptural Rosary Book in English)

  • Rosary and Stations of the Cross Poster
  • 20 Prayer Bookmarks - 10 Rosary in Spanish and 10 Divine Mercy in Spanish

    More information about Speak, Lord, I am Listening
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    Prayers for the Journey Prayer Kit
    [$21.00] ($33.60 when products sold separately - over 35% SAVINGS!)

  • Pearls of Peace (A Scriptural Rosary Book)
  • Seraphim and Cherubim (A Scriptural Chaplet of the Holy Angels Book)

  • 2 packs of 18 Prayer Bookmarks - Teach the Catholic Prayers (6 Varieties in English) to share with others - evangelize family and friends
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    Sanctity of Life Cover Best of Sacred Music Nancy Scimone CD

    "Sing Well, Pray Twice" CD Collection [$35.00]

    Buy 2 CDs (The Sanctity of Life Scriptural Rosary CD
    and the Best of Sacred Music CD)

    Time for Mercy CD Coverand Receive the Time for Mercy CD FREE
    ($50.00 when products sold separately - 30% SAVINGS!!!)

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    Publisher of Catholic Prayer Books and Recordings
    Is anyone among you suffering? ... Pray. James 5:13
    (c) Suffering Servant Scriptorium 2003-2024
    PO Box 1126, Springfield, VA 22151
    703-855-4227 FAX 703-978-2258

    Send questions or comments to Web Master